
Enhance Your Life Force, Increase Your Energy, Restore Your Vitality


Our Goal

You are the most important partner in your healthcare plan.


We take the time to make sure you understand your health condition and your health and wellness options so you can make informed decisions about your care.

Our Mission

Revitalize Health & Wellness’ mission is to create a welcoming, healing, and nurturing environment. Our intention is to envision you having optimal health. Our carefully selected team works synergistically to provide you with exceptional care specific to your health and wellness needs. Our patients, practitioners, and staff are treated with respect, kindness, and integrity. When you enter our clinic, we hope you feel supported, encouraged, and revitalized.

Pillars of Health

Healthy Foods

Eating more vegetables is usually the first step.  Reduce or avoid simple carbs (sugars), which may be easier said than done.  Learn how much protein your body needs, more is not better.  Eat healthier fats, especially omega 3’s.

Body Movement

Cleans out your lymph system.  The lymphatic system is responsible for your primary immune and detox functions.  It moves waste products to be eliminated through its miles of “pipes” by muscle movement.  No movement and you’re housing harmful wastes all over your body.


Lack of sleep is a fast track to aging and health issues.  Adults need 7-8 hours per day to recharge and heal.

Stress Management

You deserve a break to take a quiet time or fun time to recharge your mental batteries. 

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Our Core Values

We support the body’s self-healing processes using natural healing methods and modern medical science.

  • The Healing Power of Nature

    Trust in the body's ability to know how to heal itself.

  • First Do No Harm

    Use the most natural, least invasive, and least toxic therapies whenever possible.

  • Identify & Treat the Cause of Illness

    Look beyond the symptoms to find the underlying cause of disease.

  • Doctor as Teacher

    Educate patients in the steps to achieving and maintaining health.

  • Treat the Whole Person

    View and address the body, mind, and spirit as integral parts of optimal health.

  • Prevention

    Focus on overall health, wellness, and disease prevention.

Spark Your Vitality

Explore the World

Mother nature is absolutely brilliant! All medicines start out as plants, minerals, or living creatures.  Scientists, herbalists, and researchers are always on the trail looking for sources of new treatments.  The doctors at Revitalize Health and Wellness keep current on cutting edge natural medicine research from around the world.

Health & Wellness News

"News I Wish I Knew"
Teri Decoster (2)
Teri’s Two Sense